We urgently need a new education paradigm.
Many of us are staring in horror, dropping our jaws and wringing our hands at the shocking reel of current events that play before us every day. Wildfires engulfing entire continents. Warmongering, domestic terrorism, lockdown drills, #metoo. I'm not a doomsayer by any means; but I am a student of society, and I know our best hope at personal wellbeing and social transformation is to pay attention and get involved. But what should we pay attention to? What deserves our trust in an era defined by information wars and fake news?
In this moment, we all need a crash course in critical literacy.
High levels of critical illiteracy make us vulnerable to (mis)information, overwhelm, and paralysis. We are left wondering what's true and what's trustoworthy. We desperately need accessible, continuous education to equip us with new tools of thought for changing times and empower us to change our lives and communities for the better. But how do we get that once our formal schooling has ended?
Onward Ed is an online learning series to equip and empower you.
Designed to introduce you to the foundations of critical theory and philosophy, you will develop essential processes of thought to better understand and respond to the world around you and your very own lives. The first course in the series is Making Sense: Thinking Critically - Acting Justly. It is designed to engage you in a critical study of society that challenges taken for granted assumptions, perceptions, notions and beliefs. Onward Ed will equip you with new intellectual skills to engage, interpret, and respond to current events, politics, economics, and culture.